Mount Wutai
Time: 2010-May-27 09:32

Mount Wutai of Shanxi Province, together with Putuo Mountain of Zhejiang Province, Emei Mountain of Sichuan Province and Jiuhua Mountain of Anhui Province, is one of China's four famous Buddhist mountains. It is one of the world's five major Buddhist Holy Land, together with Lumbini Garden of Nepal and Sarnath, Bodh Gaya and Kusinagara of India. Wutai Mountain ranks top of the famous mountains of summer resort in “the list of 2008 China famous mountains of summer resort ".

Mount Wutai is located in the northeast of Shanxi Province at the northern end of Taihang mountain system, streching across such counties as Fanshi, Dai County, Yuanping, Dingxiang and Wutai, covering an area of over 500 li. The central area of Taihuai Town is 78 km away from Wutai County, 150 km away from Xinzhou City and 240 kilometers away from the provincial capital of Shanxi Province Taiyuan.

Editor:Li Honglei
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