ACC Representatives Attended the Fifth Conference of Hebei Tourism Industry Development

Source:ASEAN-China Centre
From 3 to 4 September 2020, the Fifth Conference of Hebei Tourism Industry Development was held in Zhangjiakou, Hebei Province with nearly 1,000 representatives from governmental authorities, domestic and overseas tourism organizations, major culture and tourism enterprises as well as think tanks, participated in a series of online and offline activities. Representatives of ASEAN-China Centre (ACC) attended the opening ceremony and other relevant activities of the Conference online. 
With the theme of “building a vibrant Olympic and recreational centre between Beijing and Zhangjiakou”, the conference is composed of a series of activities such as opening ceremony, “cloud signing” ceremony, demonstration project, marketing summit and online exhibition. Zhangjiakou is the host city of 2022 Winter Olympics snow project. Now, it is currently striving to build a new destination of Beijing-Zhangjiakou sports, culture and tourism centre.