“Colorful China” Performance in Ho Chi Minh Achieved Success

Source:ASEAN-China Centre

On 7 January, ASEAN-China Centre (ACC) and State Ethnic Affairs Commission (SEAC) co-organized “Colorful china” Chinese ethnic art troupe to visit Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam, and brought a wonderful performance and new-year greeting to the local people.

The performance was held in Culture College Hall in Ho Chi Minh city. , Head of Art Troupe Wu Jinguang made a remark before the performance, he said that in the past more than half century, the Mekong linked China and Vietnam tightly, looking forward, we have confidence that the collaboration of ASEAN-China FTA Sub-region will benefit for the future development of friendship between two countries. Director Nguyen Guang De, International Cooperation Department of Vietnam State Ethnic Affairs Commission expected to strengthen the bilateral communication and exchange between Vietnam and China. Consul General Chai Wenrui of Consulate General of China in Ho Chi Minh City, Acting Director Li Wenxiong, Southern Bureau of Culture Sports and Tourism Ministry of Vietnam, Director Wu Van Zhan of Ethnic Commission in Ho Chi Minh City watched the performance.

The Programmes showed the Chinese colorful national culture and art, and won round after round of warm applause from audience. Dance <Shao Duo Li> showed particular ethnic customs and culture belonging to Dai people with lithe and graceful movement and music to the audience. Mongolian Hoomei and solo of Matouqin made audience feel the vast and sublime of the grassland, and taste the particular charm of The world's intangible cultural heritage. Tibetan youth singer sang <where the road leads, please> which is the theme song of‘Pilgrimage to the West' that the Vietnam audience are familiar with, his performance won the thunder of applause and cheers from the audience. At the end of the performance, a song <Vietnam-China> singing by troupers together with more than 1200 audience, pushed the performance to climax. All of them wished the friendship and good-neighborliness between China and Vietnam everlasting.

This performance is one of the serial activities organized by ACC in connection with ASEAN-China Cultural Exchange Year 2014, aiming to further facilitate cultural exchange and mutual understanding between China and Vietnam. Before, the art troupe has held two performances  in Siem Reap and Phnom Penh, Cambodia separately. On 10 January, the Art troupe will present the last performance of this tour in Hannio, capital of Vietnam.