Secretary-General Ma Mingqiang Met with Official of Tianjin Municipal Government

Source:ASEAN-China Centre

On 18 March 2014, Mr. Zang Xuetian, Director of Trade in Service Division of Tianjin Commission of Commerce,paid a courtesy call to ASEAN-China Centre  (ACC)  and exchanged views with ACC Secretary-General Ma Mingqiang on future cooperation in strengthening trade of cultural products between ASEAN Member States and Tianjin. 

Mr. Zang introduced Tianjin’s strength in cultural industry and hoped that ACC could help to establish links between Tianjin and ASEAN Member States. Mr. Ma briefed Mr. Zang on ACC’s function and expressed ACC’s willingness to work together with Tianjin Commission of Commerce to promote ASEAN-China functional cooperation in cultural exchanges and the development of cultural trade.