ACC Held Reception in Celebrating 11th Anniversary of Establishment of ACC and Assumption of Office of Secretary-General Shi Zhongjun

Source:ASEAN-China Centre Convert Chinese

On 23 December 2022, the Reception in Celebrating the 11th Anniversary of the Establishment of the ASEAN-China Centre (ACC) and Assumption of Office of Secretary-General Shi Zhongjun was held in Beijing. Around 200 guests attended the event, including Mr. Liu Jinsong, Director-General of the Department of Asian Affairs of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, H.E. Mrs. Khamphao Ernthavanh, Ambassador of Lao PDR to China, H.E. Mr. Tin Maung Swe, Ambassador of Myanmar and his wife, H.E. Mr. Lui Tuck Yew, Ambassador of Singapore and his wife, H.E. Mr. Arthayudh Srisamoot, Ambassador of Thailand and his wife, H.E. Mr. Bishnu Pukar Shrestha, Ambassador of Nepal, Mr. Dino Kusnadi, DCM and Minister of the Embassy of Indonesia, Mr. Sanmugan Subramaniam, DCM and Minister of the Embassy of Malaysia, and diplomatic envoys from the Philippines, Viet Nam and India. Guests also included Mr. Siddharth Chatterjee, Resident Coordinator of the United Nations in China, officials from relevant Chinese government departments, former Chinese ambassadors to ASEAN Member States (AMS), and representatives from commerce, culture, education, tourism, media and other sectors.

On behalf of the Chinese Foreign Ministry, Director-General Liu Jinsong congratulated Secretary-General Shi Zhongjun on his assumption of office. He said that ASEAN-China relations are in a fairly good shape. President Xi Jinping and leaders of AMS have reached important consensus that strongly boosted ties at the bilateral and multilateral level. As the sole inter-governmental organisation between China and ASEAN, ACC is serving as a “booster” and “incubator” for China-ASEAN relations. He is sure that under the stewardship of Secretary-General Shi Zhongjun, ACC will actively implement the consensus reached by leaders of the two sides, fully mobilize resources from the government, industry and academia to help unleash the great potential of practical cooperation in various fields, and promote people-to-people exchanges and friendship on all fronts, so as to contribute even more to the development of China-ASEAN comprehensive strategic partnership. The Chinese government will continue to provide support and convenience to the work of Secretary-General and the operation of ACC.

On behalf of the ASEAN missions in China, Minister Dino Kusnadi congratulated Secretary-General Shi Zhongjun on his assumption of office. He said that the recent years have witnessed the burgeoning development of ASEAN-China relations, as the two sides elevated political relations, deepened economic cooperation and intensified people-to-people exchanges. With the establishment of the comprehensive strategic partnership and the entry into force of the RCEP agreement, ASEAN-China relationship is standing at a new starting point. ACC’s contribution has played a crucial role in the growth of ASEAN-China relations. ASEAN is ready to work with China to support ACC in playing its role as a bridge to further promote exchanges and cooperation, particularly in the areas of trade, investment, education, culture, tourism, and information and media, which would lead to the further maintenance of peace, development and inclusiveness in the region and beyond.

Secretary-General Shi Zhongjun thanked the governments of AMS and China and all sectors of society for their strong support to the work of ACC over the years. He reviewed ACC’s accomplishments in promoting exchanges and cooperation in key areas between the ASEAN and China in the past year, and noted that he is fully aware of the great honor and heavy responsibility as the new Secretary-General. 

Secretary-General Shi Zhongjun said that he would lead ACC forward as an inter-governmental organization, to actively serve as one-stop information and activities centre, implement the important consensus reached by the leaders of ASEAN and China, deepen policy exchanges and coordination, and synergize development policies among countries. ACC will remain committed to the mission of promoting practical cooperation, enhancing mutual trust and friendship, and benefiting the people of the region. ACC is ready to join hands with all partners to build a peaceful, safe and secure, prosperous, beautiful and amicable home together and usher in a brighter future in the region.  

Director-General Liu Jinsong, Secretary-General Shi Zhongjun and representatives of ASEAN diplomatic envoys cut the commemorative cake together. The guests witnessed the official launch of ACC’s Toutiao account and the official release of the two research reports, namely Overview of Trade among RCEP Member States and the English version of the 2021 ASEAN-China Media Cooperation Report, co-authored by ACC and its partners including China International Communications Group.

The guests also enjoyed Chinese folk dance performances and instrumental music and songs with unique ASEAN characteristics by Chinese artists. Secretary-General Shi Zhongjun had a cordial exchange of views with the guests on promoting friendship and cooperation. The atmosphere at the reception was warm and friendly.