SG Shi Zhongjun Sits with Chinese Media

Source:ASEAN-China Centre Convert Chinese

Recently, H.E. Secretary General Shi Zhongjun of the ASEAN-China Centre (ACC) gave exclusive interviews respectively to China-ASEAN Panorama and 21st Century Business Herald, interpreting the outcomes of the 43th ASEAN Summit and Leaders’ Meetings on East Asia Cooperation, expressing his expectations on the 20th China-ASEAN Expo (CAEXPO), and sharing his views on ASEAN-China relations and co-building of the Belt and Road by both sides. The aforesaid media agencies have already carried reports of the interviews on both paper and online platforms.

SG Shi Zhongjun stated that the important consensus reached by the leaders of ASEAN and China have set the direction for both sides to further deepen practical cooperation and promote people-to-people ties. Under the current circumstances, ASEAN and China should enhance mutual respect and mutual support, continue to strengthen political mutual trust, deepen economic and trade cooperation, and promote people-to-people and cultural exchanges. Both sides should jointly see to it that the high-quality development of the Belt and Road Initiative better benefit the peoples in the region.

SG Shi Zhongjun believes that the CAEXPO has become an important open platform for ASEAN-China cooperation, playing a positive role in promoting regional economic integration. He expects that the 20th CAEXPO and the China-ASEAN Business and Investment Summit would actively integrate the emerging areas where ASEAN and Chinese business communities share common interest, and bring forth benefits to enterprises, especially small and medium-sized enterprises.

SG Shi Zhongjun stressed that the ACC will continue to implement the important consensus between ASEAN and Chinese leaders as well as medium and long-term cooperation plans between both sides. The ACC will also continue to sponsor signature activities such as “ASEAN-China Week” on a regular basis, continue to support the development of the CAEXPO, and the joint efforts by ASEAN and China to co-build the Belt and Road with high quality, so as to ensure sustained growth of ASEAN-China comprehensive strategic partnership.

Link to China-ASEAN Panorama:

Link to 21st Century Business Herald: