SG Shi Zhongjun Visits Hong Kong (II)

Source:ASEAN-China Centre Convert Chinese

On 2 April, Secretary General Shi Zhongjun of the ASEAN-China Centre (ACC) had meetings with senior officials of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR), Under Secretary Bernard Chan for Commerce and Economic Development. He also met with representatives from Hong Kong business community including Deputy Executive Director Patrick Lau of Hong Kong Trade Development Council and Executive Vice Chairman Wong Chun-Tat of the Y. Elites Association. Both sides had in-depth exchange of views on promoting cooperation between ASEAN and the Greater Bay Area (GBA). 

Shi Zhongjun noted that ASEAN stands outs as the second largest trading partner and the third largest importer of Hong Kong. Both sides share complementary demands in such areas as finance, sci-tech, tourism and healthcare, which lays a solid foundation for high-level economic cooperation blessed with enormous potential and broader prospects. China is now striving for high-quality development by fostering new quality productivity forces. ASEAN Member States (AMS) also attach great importance to the growth of emerging industries. Hong Kong is in the best position to cultivate new momentum for regional cooperation through implementing such tactics reaching out to ASEAN and attracting ASEAN to Hong Kong. The ACC stands ready to work with Hong Kong government responsible agencies, trade promotion agencies and business stakeholders to promote Hong Kong's unique edge in business and favorable investment environment. The ACC will also further enhance friendly relations between Hong Kong and ASEAN under the framework of 2024 ASEAN-China Year of People-to-people Exchanges, so as to secure more tangible results of cooperation between ASEAN and the GBA.

 The Hong Kong side warmly welcomes SG’s visiting Hong Kong and underlined that Hong Kong has developed a mature international financial market, boasts professional legal services, and enjoys an excellent reservoir of talents and favorable business environment. It also shares cultural affinities and close people-to-people connections with AMS. All these have made Hong Kong an ideal place for investment and financing related to AMS. Hong Kong stands ready to join hands with the ACC to seize the opportunity and follow the trend to deepen economic cooperation and trade with ASEAN, exploit its advantage as the “window” and “springboard”, and bring into full play of its role as a “super-connector”, so as to enable the GBA and ASEAN to draw on each other’s strengths towards an integrated development. In the future, Hong Kong will support and participate in activities organized by the ACC to enhance business exchanges and interactions between Hong Kong and ASEAN, assisting enterprises from both sides to share business opportunities and achieve win-win results.