SG Shi Zhongjun Attends 2023 East Asia Business Forum

Source:ASEAN-China Centre Convert Chinese

On 19 October 2023, H.E. Secretary General Shi Zhongjun of the ASEAN-China Centre (ACC) was invited to attend the 2023 East Asia Business Forum held in Haikou of Hainan Province and addressed the opening ceremony. 

Secretary General Shi remarked that with mounting uncertainties in the world, the geopolitical and economic landscape has become increasingly complex. Against this backdrop, East Asia has kept overall stability. This is inseparable from the business community’s efforts to safeguard multilateralism and free trade. East Asian countries ought to join hands to deepen political mutual trust, enhance good-neighborliness and friendship, increase economic and trade exchanges, and build an open and inclusive system of cooperation, so as to help regional enterprises, especially SMEs, better enjoy the RCEP dividends and seize the opportunities brought up by the development of new technologies.

The Forum was jointly hosted by China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT), the Government of Hainan Province and East Asia Business Council (EABC). Over 600 government officials, representatives of international organizations, entrepreneurs, experts and scholars from ASEAN, East Asia and the RCEP region attended the Forum. They exchanged views on the opportunities and challenges experienced by the post-pandemic economic recovery and development of countries in this region.

On the afternoon of 19 October, Secretary General Shi attended Hainan Free Trade Port “Two Headquarters Bases” Construction Forum. He addressed the opening session and launched the Hainan Free Trade Port Southeast Asia Investment Centre. In the evening, Secretary General Shi also attended the Opening Ceremony of the 13th Malaysia-China Entrepreneurs Conference and Welcome Dinner of the East Asia Business Forum, and the inauguration of the Conference with senior officials from both ASEAN Member States and Hainan Province.